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Aggressive Lawyers for the Seriously Injured

Orange County Truck Accident

Orange County, New York, is located 50 miles above the tip of Manhattan in the Hudson Highlands. With a population of just over 400,000, Orange County retains a rural feel while offering residents multiple retail, dining, and other opportunities. Middletown, Newburgh, Goshen, Monroe, Port Jervis, and Warkwick are all located in Orange County, New York.

Unfortunately, truck accidents occur every year in Orange County, New York. Due to the large size and heavy weight of trucks, accidents involving trucks are more likely to cause catastrophic or even fatal injuries. Attorney Michael LoGiudice, LLP has a proven track record of successfully obtaining the total compensation truck accident victims need and deserve. He is prepared to represent your best interests. 

Locations of Truck Accidents in Orange County

Truck accidents can occur nearly anywhere, from neighborhood streets to busy highways. However, commercial truck accidents are more likely to occur on highways and freeways. Commercial truck drivers use these roads to transport goods throughout New York and the rest of the country. Orange County truck accidents commonly occur at the following locations:

  • State Route 6
  • State Route 9W
  • State Route 87
  • State Route 202
  • State Route 210
  • State Route 218
  • State Route 300
  • State Route 416
  • 980P – South Street Arterial
  • 980T – River Road
  • 980U – Main Street
  • 980W – West Point Highway
  • 982E – Crystal Lake Cross Road
  • 982P – Main Street
  • 984C and 984K – River Road
  • 987C – Palisades Interstate Parkway
  • 987E – Seven Lakes Parkway

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Orange County

As with other types of motor vehicle accidents, truck accidents are commonly caused by one or more parties’ negligence or recklessness. Some of the most common types of negligence include the following:

Truck Driver Fatigue

When a truck driver is fatigued, he or she is more likely to cause devastating accidents. Truck drivers who put in overly long hours can become fatigued easily. Fatigued driving is a significant factor in delivery truck, dump truck, and garbage truck accidents. A rise in the frequency of truck-related accidents has also been linked to truck drivers’ use of intoxicating substances, including alcohol and “uppers,” to help them stay awake. Truck drivers are required to take a specific number of break periods when they are on the road. 

When they fail to take enough breaks in an attempt to complete a job and receive payment faster, they put everyone else on the road in jeopardy. If you suspect the truck driver who caused your accident may have been fatigued or intoxicated, attorney Michael LoGiudice, LLP will investigate the accident to determine the cause. Driver logs, video cameras on the dashboard, and “black box” evidence may show that the driver failed to take enough rest periods. 

Holding Negligent Trucking Companies Accountable

Truck accidents can occur when trucking companies fail to use reasonable care when operating their businesses. Victims of truck accidents may be able to hold the trucking company liable for the injuries when their negligence caused the accident. Some of the most common examples of trucking company negligence include the following:

  • Improperly loading the truck
  • Failure to inspect or repair the truck before it departs with cargo
  • Failure to conduct routine drug testing on truck drivers
  • Pressuring drivers to avoid taking required rest breaks
  • Failing to properly train truck drivers
  • Failing to maintain trucks to a reasonably safe standard
  • Negligent hiring by the truck company

Additionally, trucking companies can be held liable for negligently hiring truck drivers. For example, when trucking companies fail to conduct background checks on potential employees before hiring, they can be held liable for resulting accidents. For example, if a driver had a DUI on his record, and the trucking company never did a background check, the company can be liable for any resulting DUI-related accidents. 

Pursuing an Insurance Claim After an Orange County Truck Accident

Truck accidents involving commercial vehicles are more likely to result in catastrophic injuries than accidents involving smaller passenger vehicles. For this reason, commercial trucks generally care significant insurance policies. The financial compensation victims of truck accidents can recover may be above average. However, insurance companies have the resources and personnel to work toward denying or limiting victims’ claims for compensation. 

Attorney Michael LoGiudice, LLP has extensive experience negotiating with insurance companies in truck accident claims. He understands the tactics insurance adjusters use to attempt to deny claims and works diligently to gather evidence proving liability to hold at-fault drivers accountable. 

Damages Available in a Truck Accident Lawsuit

If an at-fault driver injures you, you might have the right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in civil court. Many trucking companies settle personal injury claims out of court with the victim to avoid going to court. You may be able to collect a settlement for your damages. Your attorney can continue negotiating a fair settlement as your case proceeds to trial. 

If an out-of-court settlement isn’t possible, your case will go to trial, and the court will decide on your case. Successful plaintiffs in truck accident lawsuits can recover the following types of damages through a settlement or court ruling:

  • Current and future medical expenses, including medical treatment, prescriptions, hospitalizations, rehabilitation, medication equipment, and other expenses
  • Expenses related to the modification of your home or vehicle, such as wheelchair ramps or lifts
  • compensation for the damage to your property
  • Mental distress, emotional anguish, pain, and suffering
  • Compensation for loss of career, income, and future earning potential

Discuss Your Orange County Truck Accident Case with a Skilled Attorney

If you or your loved one have been seriously injured in a truck accident in Orange County, New York, it’s crucial you discuss your case with an attorney as soon as possible. Working with an experienced attorney can increase the likelihood of recovering compensation for your losses, including your medical expenses, change in income, and pain and suffering. 

Michael LoGiudice, LLP is an experienced Orange County truck accident attorney who provides free consultations to victims. He will carefully evaluate your claim, answer your questions, and discuss your case’s value. Contact Michael LoGiudice, LLP to schedule a complimentary no-obligation consultation. 

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