Nursing Home Abuse Attorney
We trust the care of our loved ones to nursing homes thinking they will be in caring, capable hands. There are few things more heartbreaking than when we find out ...
We trust the care of our loved ones to nursing homes thinking they will be in caring, capable hands. There are few things more heartbreaking than when we find out ...
If you are injured in an automobile accident, you are entitled to monetary damages. Damages include things like your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Pain and suffering ...
A car accident can leave a driver with serious injuries. It can also leave a passenger with serious injuries. If you were a passenger who sustained injuries in a car ...
When a driver gets angry with another motorist to the point where he or she becomes aggressive, this is called road rage. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety conducted a ...
Settlement for Minority Shareholder Oppression, Wrongful Termination and Common Law Dissolution claims (§ 1104-a of the Business Corporation Law). Case settled during discovery. Westchester County.
Settlement for deck collapse case. Client had prior knee injuries without surgery. After the collapse he had two orthoscopic surgeries. Case settled during discovery.
Settlement for roofer that fell 20 feet off a commercial building. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and permanent loss of vision in both eyes. New York Labor Law case; Sections 200, ...